If anybody is reading this, hello and welcome. As what I said on the homepage, this is the 3rd iteration of my blog. So many things happened since I posted the last article on the first iteration.

Basically what happened was: I started working on coursework and the summer project (AKA the final project) for my degree after I posted my last article on the blog v1.0. Then, I decided that I'll just rewrite my blog with web components and make it my final project. Surprisingly enough, I managed to get a degree, possibly due to no one knows what web components are and micro-frontend sounds very academic. The blog was under another domain name and my original plan was to update it so that I'll be actually willing to use it, because I can only post 'normal' blogposts and cannot edit the source code of a post directly. TLDR is this project still sucks and probably looks even worse than v1.0. Then I somehow found a job, and the plan to update blog v2.0 was halted.

To be honest, I'm not exactly sure why I want to use web compnents, probably because I'm informed of its existence at the last minute of my bachelor FYP, which is a project about micro-frontend and micro-service where I am supposed (?) to use web components instead of a single-spa based framework (it's called qiankun in case you wonder). But after becoming a little bit more experienced, frankly speaking, I feel like I am kind of getting it - web component requires no dependency and is essentially vanilla js. Unlike many frameworks/libraries, vanilla js evolves very slowly and is (and probably always will be) the prerequisite for many frontend frameworks. After getting so many dependencies in many other projects I'm involved, I want to do something much simpler - a website that's more vanilla and might be closer to what the web was supposed to be, where HTML markup remains markup, CSS remains CSS and not configurations in js, and js scripts are just... scripts. Also, this time I'm using Github Pages, so hopefully I can focus more on updating the blog itself than finding the password of my server portal every time I updated the code and need to redeploy.

So, this is how this site come into being. This time, hopefully, I'll be less lazy and occasionally update it. It is a bit sad that some of the things I wanted to write down during the downtime didn't make it, but it's never too late to start it all over again. It's also quite funny to look at my very own code almost 3 years ago and some of my blogposts (The GTA Online one aged poorly lol). I hope I can continue to make more progress in general so that maybe 2 or 3 years later, I can have the exact same feeling again looking at my own work.

Btw, the site is still a work in progress and there are several components on the roadmap before I start figuring out how to make it look better. My current priority for site functionality is:

  • a custom image component
  • a code snippet component (if I can figure it out)
  • improve CLS, this will likely involve some refactor

Then, I'll look into dark mode and a better design. Let's see how it goes.